Our story at SOG begins with a group of experienced Public Safety Professionals who recognized the emerging need for Private Security in Oregon. There has been a fast-paced need for protecting assets within our great state. The unprecedented lack of qualified Private Security personnel has left Private Security Providers at risk of offering a well-trained and qualified product.

As the consultants in our group at SOG discussed what could be done to properly to train and certify Private Security personnel, Security Operations Group LLC was founded. The goal is to provide the best DPSST training and certification available, training that goes beyond the basics. The Public Safety Professionals at SOG are Public Servants who actively serve our community, on the front lines every day. The experience and quality SOG administers through training is unmatched. More than just DPSST certification, SOG’s training will bring professionalism to any organization.



SOG Trainers are continuously seeking additional licensing and certification adding to the variety of courses offered. SOG currently offers DPSST certification in all segments of Private Security. Stay tuned, many more courses are being developed adding to the diversity of the organization.


SOG is operated by experienced Public Safety Professionals who offer the very best in assessing your risk management needs. Please contact: info@securityopertionsgroup.com